نزدیک بینی و سردرد
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نزدیک بینی چگونه درمان می شود؟
Migraine home remedies. American Migraine Foundation. August 2022.
Ice packs vs. warm compresses for pain. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Accessed April 2023.
Tension-type headaches: Self-care measures for relief. Mayo Clinic. October 2022.
Migraine. MedlinePlus [Internet]. May 2021.
Computer vision syndrome (Digital eye strain). EyeWiki. American Academy of Ophthalmology. April 2022.
Dehydration headache. Cleveland Clinic. December 2021.
Can dehydration cause headaches? Harvard Health Publishing. March 2022.
Dehydration. MedlinePlus [Internet]. May 2019.
Ginger for migraine. The Journal of Clinical Psychology. November 2021.
Clinical trials on pain lowering effect of ginger: A narrative review. Phytotherapy Research. May 2020.
Double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) addition in migraine acute treatment. Cephalalgia. May 2018.
Headaches and magnesium: Mechanisms, bioavailability, therapeutic efficacy and potential advantage of magnesium pidolate. Nutrients. August 2020.
The ambiguous role of caffeine in migraine headache: From trigger to treatment. Nutrients. July 2020.
Caffeine-withdrawal headache. The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition. January 2018.
Hunger headache. Cleveland Clinic. March 2022.
Glucose-related traits and risk of migraine: A potential mechanism and treatment consideration. Genes. April 2022.
Endorphins. Cleveland Clinic. May 2022.
Primary exercise headache. The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition. January 2018.
The association between migraine and physical exercise. The Journal of Headache and Pain. September 2018.
Migraine. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. January 2023.
Tension headache. Mayo Clinic. September 2021.
Migraines: Simple steps to head off the pain. Mayo Clinic. October 2022.
Headaches: What you need to know. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. August 2021.
Diaphragmatic breathing. Cleveland Clinic. March 2022.
How box breathing can help you destress. Health Essentials. Cleveland Clinic. August 2021.
How to do the 4-7-8 breathing exercise. Health Essentials. Cleveland Clinic. September 2022.
Brain mechanisms of virtual reality breathing versus traditional mindful breathing in pain modulation: Observational functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. October 2021.
Is mindfulness-based stress reduction a promising and feasible intervention for patients suffering from migraine? A randomized controlled pilot trial. Complementary Medicine Research. February 2020.
How you can ease your aches and pain with meditation. Health Essentials. Cleveland Clinic. April 2022.
Meditation and mindfulness: What you need to know. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. June 2022.
Medication-overuse headache (MOH). The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition. January 2018.
Medication overuse headaches. Mayo Clinic. February 2023.
Migraine. Mayo Clinic. July 2021.
Medication-overuse headache. StatPearls [Internet]. July 2022.
Headaches: Danger signs. A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia [Internet]. November 2021.